Environmental Care Policy

The Directors, Management and employees of Evolution Computer are aware that our business operations may have an adverse affect on the environment and are committed to limiting the impact our operations have on the environment. This means that:

  • Evolution Computer will work with our customers, suppliers and strategic partners to reduce any adverse environmental impacts.
  • Evolution Computer will adhere to relevant environmental legislation Œ e.g. The Packaging Waste (Producer Responsibility) Regulations, the WEEE and RoHS Directives etc.
  • Where possible Evolution Computer will palletise product deliveries to minimise the impact of transportation.
  • Evolution Computer will ensure that the latest energy efficient technologies are utilised in the design of our products.
  • Evolution Computer product packaging is made from recycled material and can itself be recycled.
  • Computer networks, e-mail and telephone voice mail are fully implemented at all Evolution Computer sites in order to reduce reliance on paper.

Product Quality Assurance

At our London headquarters, engineers who ensure a high standard of flexibility, quality control and efficiency manufacture our computers to order.

Pre-purchase evaluations are made on all third party components and these products are strictly sourced from well-known, reputable manufacturers that consistently produce high quality, reliable products.

The finished product undergoes intense quality assurance checks to ensure safety, performance and the correct fulfilment of customer orders.

Evolution Computer's vision is to create a company culture where environmental excellence is second nature. Our goal is to fully integrate environmental stewardship into the business of providing quality products, best-in-class services, and the best customer experience at the best value. The following environmental policy objectives have been established to achieve our vision and mission.

Design Products With the Environment in Mind

Evolution Computer will:

  • Design products with a focus on: safe operation throughout the entire product life cycle, extending product life span, reducing energy consumption, avoiding environmentally sensitive materials, promoting dematerialization, and using parts that are capable of being recycled at the highest level.
  • Set expectations of environmental excellence throughout Evolution Computer's supply chain.

Prevent Waste and Pollution

Evolution Computer will:

  • Operate it's facilities to minimize harmful impacts on the environment, and place a high priority on waste minimization, recycling and reuse programs, and pollution prevention.

Continually Improve Our Performance

Evolution Computer will:

  • Use an Environmental Management System approach to establish goals, implement programs, monitor technology and environmental management practices, evaluate progress, and continually improve environmental performance.
  • Foster a culture of environmental responsibility among employees and management.

Comply With the Law

Evolution Computer will:

  • Conduct business with integrity and dedicated observance of environmental laws and regulations, and meet the commitments of the voluntary environmental programs in which Evolution Computer participates.